

Akaki Tsereteli, “Vanity”, an earthy life, Love to God, the Sin, Eternity, life


The problems raised by Akaki Tsereteli in his poetry are limitless and exhaustible. Deep essence of his works highlights the peculiarity of the author and it is clearly shown in his lyrics. The light beam of Akaki Tsereteli poetry removes the darkness like the Goodness in this life and the artistic images of the poet dressed in the religious cover include series of the problem of earthy life with pain.

The verse “vanity” takes a valuable place in the poetry of Akaki Tsereteli, demonstrating the earthy life in a special way, existence of the human being characterized by ascending or descending. All the people are equal in this earthy life, the great and the little, ascending or descending, only the God is great and unchangeable.

During the reading the verse the biblical point of views are demonstrated. The poet clearly shows that all the people without exception are equal and tries to make people feel that this earthy life is temporary, evanescing and there is another eternity.

Akaki Tsereteli teaches mortals equality of humans, what is the basis for creation of the world and teaches the good and evil of this earthy life, how should a person live, to understand its mission, which is doing the good, what can not be achieved without trial and sorrow, as the way to supporting your friend, love and doing goof is hard and narrow like the one going towards the God. But it can be overcome through love to the God, sharing its commandments and virtues.

The verse “Vanity” by Akaki Tsereteli connects earthy life and eternity, human being and the God, mortal and immortal, as this linkage makes the life perfect and gives the idea to both lives. The life seen through the perspective of both lives, the life of a human is the key issue in all the works by Akaki Tsereteli regardless its genre and it demonstrates the unity of the world.

