"ორი კიდის" გააზრებისათვის აკაკი წერეთლის პოეზიაში



Akaki Tsereteli’s works widely reflect those problematic issues that are characteristic to life, country and nation and each person’s life. The poet, either in a hopeful or hopeless situations suffers mortal existence and sees happiness and despair, youth and aging, life and death differently. The above mentioned issues are analyzed according to some samples of Akaki’s poetry: “The Curse”, “A Poet”, “The Last”, “The Old and the Young”, “Three Times”, “A Respond to the Young”, “My Face”, “A Grey”, “While I was Young”, “The Will” and so on. Akaki Tsereteli sacrificed himself to his nation, country and the Lord. He is the middle that connected “this” country with “that” world with the help of artistic words and represented one and inseparable chain of existence.


