ვაჟა-ფშაველას ,,ბაკურისა" და ევრიპიდეს ,,მედეას" იდეურ-თემატური გადაკვეთა


  • ქეთევან სალაღაია


Two famous writers, Evripide and Vaja-Pshavela belong to different countries and epochs but one and the same problematic theme can be found in their works – Parents kill their children to save them from torturous death. The same theme can be found in the film of American director Frenk Parabant. Through the unexpected end of the film Frenk Parabant solves and answers his hero’s as well as Bakur and Medea’s problematic question – Death can be torturous but parents have no right to take their children’s lives for this reason.


