განათლების საყოველთაობა, როგორც ადამიანთა უფლებათა დაცვის ერთ-ერთი უმნიშვნელოვანესი მიმართულება


  • ირმა ქურდაძე
  • გულნარა ჯანოვა


Social-economical or political processes in our country put in agen-da solving a lot of problems from the new point of view. Education is one of the most important among them. Reforms in the sphere of education is an objective event and historically confirmed accompanying process of demands of modern reality. One of the important directions is the integration of people of individual needs in the society. It is also the main aim of the grant project. Its implementation will support the education and social integration of people of special educational needs, to reduce their discrimination.


